Hillside & Brush Fire Code

Hillside  & Brush Fire code compliance, hazardous vegetation removal

Every spring the fire department’s vigilance concerning the hazardous vegetation in the Los Angeles area is heightened; notices are sent to homeowners warning them of their requirement to comply with fire code regulations for fuel load reduction and that inspections would begin around the first of May or June, depending upon the city.

We clear hillsides of hazardous vegetation and have done so for many years. We are familiar with many of the fire departments and inspectors personally and keep up to date on the changes the fire departments, California Fair Plan, and private insurance company’s’ require in each area, especially in the areas designated the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHS Zone). (See pictures on left and middle left.)

Some requirements are:Blowing
– Summac removal and specimen trimming
– 100-foot clearance around structures, and after that to 200 feet either fuel load reduction or clearance
– All according to that cities’ fire department regulations

Cleanup at all sites
In addition at all our work sites we do excellent clean up with blowers, rakes and with chipper trucks. And also provide hauling